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Report Design

Lab test results can be stark and cold, yet we delivered a report design that kept the human element first and foremost. Drawing upon bold and colorful magazine layouts and weaving brand elements throughout, the custom report that is delivered to each Equifora client is eye-catching and informative.


E-book Design

Equifora provided client-friendly copy, and we designed a 30+ page educational ebook that would be sent via social media and upon newsletter registration. It was important to relay the information in an easy-to-digest and palatable manner, as this was an important “first-look” sales/branding piece for Equifora.


Web Design

The website structure is complex, including ecommerce to sell lab testing, supplements and education sessions, while also educating the client on what Equifora can offer. We were able to troubleshoot important stumbling blocks and potential legal issues with Equifora, offering objective advice above and beyond web design, color and font choices.